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You Say Fracking, I Say Frac'ing: Let's Talk Valuation

You Say Fracking, I Say Frac'ing: Let's Talk Valuation


Fracking, Frac'ing, Valuation, Minerals, Mineral Rights ...
Price: $75.00
AI Price: $30.00
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This product is a recording of the Appraisal Institute webinar that was conducted on June 17, 2015.

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Please note: The interactive features of the webinar (e.g. poll/survey questions and the final evaluation) are NOT available in the recording. Appraisal Institute continuing education credit is NOT available for viewing the recording.


You Say Fracking, I Say Frac'ing: Let's Talk Valuation
Date: June 17, 2015
Duration: 2 hours

Whether you call it fracking, frac'ing, or something else, advances in petroleum exploration & production technology including hydraulic fracturing have awakened the potential of mineral interests that have been dormant for decades or centuries. The unlocking of this wealth has now made minerals a major economic issue where they were once an ignored afterthought.

Have you ever asked any of the following questions? If so, this webinar is for you!

"I'm a licensed real estate appraiser, not a geologist: What is my role in the valuation of mineral rights?"

"I'm a geologist, not a licensed appraiser: What is my role in the valuation of mineral rights?"

"What is the relationship between the work of the reservoir estimator and the real estate appraiser?"

"Does fee simple include mineral rights? What are my professional responsibilities with respect to mineral rights? What are my risks? What do I do about mineral rights? How do I find out about mineral rights?"

"I think I see an oil pump jack on the property next door. What does that mean to my appraisal? What are my professional responsibilities?"

"Does frac'ing cause earthquakes? What are my professional responsibilities as an appraiser if my subject property is near a drilling operation and my subject property has suffered earthquake damage?"

"There are 275,000 oil and gas wells in the State of Ohio alone. I notice pump jack on the property adjacent to my subject. What will the new FHA regulations require? What are my obligations? What if there is an oil and gas well and I can’t see it, then what?"

Presenters will:

  • Provide an overview of hydraulic fracturing and discuss where is it happening.
  • Address frac’ing and whether or not it can cause earthquakes.
  • Discuss the differences among oil, gas and other materials.
  • Explain how reservoir estimators evaluate producing acreage.
  • Explain how reservoir estimators evaluate de-risked, non-producing acreage.
  • Explain how reservoir estimators evaluate unproven acreage.


Werner (Ted) Kostendt, MAI
Dan A. Billman, P.G., C.P.G.
Terrel Shields, Certified General Appraiser

The views and materials presented in this webinar represent only the opinions and views of the presenters and/or speakers. Although the materials may have been reviewed by members of the Appraisal Institute, the views and opinions expressed herein are not endorsed or approved by the Appraisal Institute as policy unless adopted by the Board of Directors pursuant to the Bylaws of the Appraisal Institute. While substantial care has been taken to provide accurate and current data and information, the Appraisal Institute does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of the data and information contained herein. Further, any principles and conclusions presented in this webinar are subject to court decisions and to local, state, and federal laws and regulations and any revisions of such laws and regulations.

This webinar is presented for educational and informational purposes only with the understanding that the Appraisal Institute is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice or services. Nothing in these materials is to be construed as the offering of such advice or services. If expert advice or services are required, readers are responsible for obtaining such advice or services from appropriate professionals.

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